
联通随享-随身 Wi-Fi 使用体验

因为现在住的地方晚上宽带很卡,所以使用了很多流量,而手机的流量套餐只有 8G,前两天一看只有 300+MB 了,就去看了看随身Wi-Fi,恰好看到了新发布的联通随享。

Because the internet is very slow on the night, so i use too many mobile data, and it's only less about 300MB, then i check the pocket Wi-Fi, coincidentally is the new product China Unicom Pocket Wi-Fi.

联通随享是广东联通物联网发布的一款产品,用的 eSIM 卡贴片到设备上,和别家不同的是算是半官方渠道产品,宣称 150M 带宽不限流量不限速(另外它是物联网卡,不是手机卡)。

China Unicom Pocket Wi-Fi is from Guangdong Unicom IOT,it's use eSIM,and the different from the others is they provide 150M bandwidth, unlimited data, unlimited speed(but it's IOT card, and slower then mobile card).


各大购物平台上其实有很多随身 Wi-Fi,而且很便宜,不到几块钱可以月享 300G 的流量,非常非常之夸张。

Actually each shopping platform have lots of pocket Wi-Fi, and very poor, you can enjoy 300G monthly traffic for just a few money, it's very very exaggerate.



The reason of choose this product because it's semi-official background, i just need use it, and it's not expensive.

![test record.png](https://cdn.lilonghe.net/static/upload/20230726/upload_2051fd32e9ee8f5230466eae1ca4ce6b.png)image.png

从昨晚到现在,上班带去公司时一直放在包里,可以看出在白天上班时间最稳定,基本上都能达到 50M 的带宽,凌晨也很快因为没人这个点上网,晚上最慢这个时间都躺在床上刷手机。

From last night to now, i put in my bag and bring to my office. We can see the most stable is during the day, basically can reach 50M bandwidth, and early morning is very fast because no one is online at this time, but at night too many people use internet cause very slow.

很奇怪的是 25 号早上 5 点那一条跑到了 90M+,而且 IP 地址也不太对,查了下外网 IP 还是电信的,所以是有 BUG 忽然漫游到电信的基站去了?明天早上我再试试看。

The very strange is at 5 am yesterday, a test bandwidth got 90M+, but the ip is not right and it's Telecom, i will try again tomorrow morning.


If you near the Unicom, and the mobile data plan is small, or you need go anywhere, you can try this.


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